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Learn More About My Story

My story starts when I decided that I wanted to leave the world of refrigeration and air conditioning engineering after being made redundant from one job and narrowly missing being made redundant year on year in other jobs. What was going on? Well the world has moved on and in the west most of the large construction projects are over and engineering is being undercut from cheaper prices in the east. So undaunted I started going to night school where after some years I got an HNC and HND in computing never really thinking about university. Fate though would intervene as I was constantly asked by folks at a judo club I went to in a Glasgow University what subject I was taking and it put the idea in my head about inquiring, I had after all maybe enough qualifications. It was mid summer end of term and I thought i've missed the enrolement for this year anyway so ill just see if they will send me a prospectus. Well shortly there after I was hauled in and enrolled my enquiry setting of a bewildering chain of events that found me sitting in class with people literally twenty years younger than me!

In four years I attained my Bachelors degree and went on to discover many different codes before my final fallout with frameworks and my gravitating toward Classic Php, JavaScript MySQL and Android with a candle left on for Laravel.

So why did I move away from frameworks? Well initially you use them as a kind of crutch to do what you may not be up to speed with yet in terms of designing for mobile first and cross platform functionality but as time goes by you end able to do these things yourself and become irritated with the never ending restrictions of frameworks like WordPress amongst others.

Php JavaScript

My first choice and the breath of fresh air for coders everywhere especially now i've went through an advanced CSS3 course and have a lot of experience. It leaves you free to do as you please merge what you like into new builds and the great thing about using classic Php JavaScript is the update junkies cannot years later break your websites with their never ending platform updates. Build like this and years later there are still no problems and with bandwith speeds never ceasing to increase I question the relevance of frameworks going forward for all but the largest of needs.


I've built around twenty Laravel applications and have been left very impressed with this framework as points to note include its staggering in built security, lightning fast build speeds and its eloquent ORM which effectively deals with database queries far more efficiently than yourself so its kind of like you have employees working for you when you build with Laravel. So whats the problem? Well all these years later I still stick to what I said of Laravel when I used it for my university end of term project. If you are using it all the time its great but dont use it for six months and your left looking up all your notes again. It is however a fantastic backend when merged with JWT JavaScript.


WordPress a framework that allows a fast if different style of developing a website. Using templating it can be built in a matter of hours more time spent on finding images than the actual code. Through Elementor a website can now be generated even faster providing a new and exciting path going forward.


Android has never stopped being the shining example of how to do it right in my view. Even with the upgrade and learning that had to be done with Kotlin it was all worth it as you end up with an even more efficient way of building and a code structure about six times less in size than Android. Coupled with Android Studio which is a dream come true for app builders you have a dynamite build system and updating that truly doesn't inconvienance you at all.