
In a modern world where data never sleeps success comes with speed, deployment rapid and unceasing, welcome to the world of apps where streaming tech meets growing business.

The lights are never off and the city never sleeps, cars, elevators decisions between floors, a finger on the pulse and a finger on the screen, glass buildings, glass walls, only the determined see through.

The information super highway is full of aging tech, catch yourself the fastest apps and overtake the competition, surge in front into the fastlanes and see your way clear leaving the past behind.

Web Design for Life

This media player app is fed from a JSON source generated from a server which is updated via the user from their website admin section.


This app is fed from a JSON source generated from a server which is updated via the user from their website admin section, the website also incorporates a Paypal system.


Showcasing some of the most finest yachts from San Diego and elsewhere a veritable catwalk of the seas for all those adventurers who crave the open ocean!


If adrenalin is what you seek then look no further than San Diego with some of the most innovative technology companies and extreme sporting events on top you'll find your fix in this amazing state!


Showcasing some of the finest homes in San Diego delivering opportunities for anyone wishing to move to a metropolis like no other!


A Shopping Store App developed in the Android Kotlin programming language utilizing multiple web resources, Retrofit, Gson, services and asynchronously enqueued.


A Store Sales App developed in the Android Kotlin programming language utilizing Picasso, Volley and incorporating billing with Paypal.


A Food Sales App developed in the Android Kotlin programming language utilizing Picasso, Volley and incorporating billing with Paypal.


The Road News app has three functions displaying accidents, road works and planned road works across Scotland. The easy to use menu provides a real time RSS feed via Scottish Highway Agencies.
